Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies

This post is a little delayed but here goes... I worked Thanksgiving and wanted to bring some treats for my coworkers.  I made some pumpkin oatmeal cookies and tried to make some peanut bars (which I didn't like enough to bring to work).  I wanted a second cookie.  I saw these and although not very seasonal seemed novel enough to try.  They were a pretty big hit at work and were consumed much more quickly than the oatmeal cookies.
Here is the original Pin:
Another basic cookie recipe... wet ingredients in the mixer, dry ingredients added, then chunky parts added at end.  I decided to go with all chocolate chips instead of including peanut butter chips because... well, I didn't have any... and I had chocolate chips.  Part of the reason I made these too, is because we had a bunch of pretzels left over from our Halloween party (I know).
It helps to have a husband that is willing to do some chopping... it comes in handy in life.
These cookies are nice and simple, but the added crunch of the pretzels is a happy surprise.  I forgot to add the chunky salt to the top before baking them, but I bet that would make them extra tasty. I made these cookies on the small side so there would be more to go around so the baking time was on the low end of the recipe spectrum.
I highly recommend using silicone liners for all cookie baking
These cookies were quite popular at work and I think I would make them again.  I don't know why I never thought of combining chocolate and pretzels in a cookie.
Cost: This actually helped to use up some leftovers (the pretzels) so I call it a win in the cost department.
Time: Didn't take long at all.
Difficulty: Chopping pretzels is the hard part.  Get someone else to do it for you and you'll be all set.
Aesthetic Appeal: They're pretty simple and not terribly impressive looking but mine actually compare favorably to the originals.
Life Enhancement: Coworkers like cookies.  That is all.

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